
Putting yourself first.

I think it's really hard for most people to put themselves first. Typically you help and go out of your way to fix other peoples lives but you're unwilling to do the same for yourself. We really have to try to make sure we are happy above all. Cause if we ain't happy, ain't no way we gonna make anyone else happy. 



Can't help but feel that when winter shows up, so does the worst sides of humans. 


How have you made it this far in life?

I am astounded everyday at the kind of people I interact with.
Take yesterday for example...

I go to work, no problems there. Now when I leave work, I have to run to a couple stores to grab some things before I go on vacation.

So...I'm walking down Queen St with Mitch. I've been on hold with the bank for I don't know, 15 minutes maybe? Finally I get through to them. So I'm talking with the guy on the phone and this lady walks up:
Her: EXcuuuse Me!
Me: *points to phone and shakes head*
Keep in mind please that Mitch is beside me, looking at her, available to chat if need be.
Me: LADY, I'm ON the phone...
She huffed and puffed and walked away.

Now she for sure had nothing to say to me or to ask me for that matter that she couldn't of asked Mitch or the fifty or so other people in the street.

Whatever. I was super irritated but still had lots of stuff to do and less time to do it in.

Now I'm in Best Buy. I'm picking up a laptop for my mom. I've researched everything and all I am asking is the difference between the two computers that I've narrowed it down to.

Motherfuckin' guy just reiterates the same specs that I already told him. Not only that he walks away in the middle of a sale. Who the fuck does that? So now, I'm ready to buy this god damn thing and no one is around. Great. Good customer service there Best Buy..you fuckin' blow. So I talk to Geek Squad, ask how long the install is...blah blah...then I snag another employee and say something to the effect of "Yes, I do need help because the other guy there fucked off in the middle of talking to me...all I want is this computer here with the install. Can you please grab it for me?" So he does and he goes on and on about the Service Plan. Now I used to work at a Best Buy so I know all about it. After teaching him a thing or two I finally get all this shit together. But seriously...it takes 3 best buy employees to give me a computer I've already researched? Suck less dick.

After I get all of that done, Mitchell wants to go check out some stores. I'm waiting in the change room as he is trying things on. Now picture this...I'm sitting next to a mirror. This girl, who's maybe ..22? Walks up and pops a HUGE zit on her face. A.fucking.zit. In public. Really? REALLY? HOW the hell did you make it this far in life? Natural Selection should've kicked in by now because this is ri-god-damn-diculous.

I've had a lot of this random and mind boggling experiences, especially now that I reside in Toronto. I'll keep updating this shit as it happens.



So I'm just sitting here thinking about people and love and relationships. I just...I don't know how they are supposed to work. I mean I get that people have relationships and then fall in love, but why is love not always enough? Why is it that we feel the need to be insecure in ourselves as soon as we realize we love another person? It's like as soon as we realize that we've fallen in love we lose our self worth...I don't know, maybe it's just me. I just know that if I don't hear from someone within a designated time frame, I worry. I think about all the bad things that could've happen to them, or what I could've said or done to make them not want to talk to me, or that they've suddenly had that epiphany that I'm not as cool as they had initially thought.
Why do people stay in relationships that they know are unhealthy? Why do "we" as humans feel compelled to blame ourselves for things that other people do? The majority of the time we are so self involved that we make decisions without thinking about anyone else. Not realizing that the person that loves us is immediately blaming themselves and their inabilities for what YOU'VE decided. I know that we do this and yet I still think that I'm not enough or I'm weird or that I've done something wrong. I haven't. The rational side of me says "D, you're not weird, you are good enough and you've done nothing wrong. They just don't know where they are at, or why they are saying or doing these things" Yet I don't always listen. I'm constantly caught up in this twisted circle of right and wrong and emotions and reason. That are no-one's fault but my own. I'm trapped in my head thinking all these things that are probably not near the truth.
I literally don't even know if I am making sense. I just...had to write it and see if I could make it make sense to me. All I am saying is that I know a lot of amazing people who aren't appreciated by the people they are with, and they are not with someone that is anywhere near as awesome as they are. Just hurts my heart I guess.

I don't know.

I just know that I'd rather regret things I did do, then regret doing nothing at all.



Check it,

Why is it that people can say things like "God Bless You, I love Jesus, God is real" etc without so much as a second glance. Yet when I say "No I don't believe, God isn't real..." You'd think I'd just committed murder. I don't understand why in this day in age people aren't allowed to have their own opinions and express them freely. Atheism is growing rapidly and people are still fighting it. I am not speaking for atheists, I wouldn't presume to speak for anyone but myself.

Listen religious folk. I don't in any way give a shit what you believe in. If it makes you happy, you should believe the fuck out of it. I have no belief in any higher power in any context. I believe in myself. The decisions I have made previously are what have shaped the life I am currently living. I just want to be able to say "God doesn't exist" or "I don't believe" without randos getting angry.

In all honesty, at this point, I don't care anymore. I'm going to say whatever feels good, deep down in my heart. So when someone sneezes I'm going to say "Wow, that's a big one" (that's what she said) and when I sneeze and someone says "God bless you" I will respond with "No he doesn't". Done and done.

People. You get one life. Just one. After your time on this planet, you're in the ground. Dead. Buried. Worm food. Fertilizer. Use what little time you have to be happy. If you truly think that there is a Heaven, then believe it. Just let other people pick what they want to believe. To each their own.



I don't get women. I am one therefore you'd assume I'd understand how the humans in my gender work. I have absolutely no idea. I think the thing that confuses me the most is how they play nice, when I know deep down inside they hate me and talk shit about me the minute I'm not around. What happened to being up front and saying "Check it, I don't like you, you don't like me..let's leave it at that"? I'd completely prefer that over the fakeness.
Furthermore I don't understand why the majority of women (at least the ones that I have met, aside from a few good ones) decide that they hate another woman within seconds of looking at them. Just because my ass isn't as big or I'm tattooed or pierced or whatever, doesn't mean I'm a dickhead that you aren't going to like.
I think the big issue here is self esteem. For those of you who don't know, EVERY woman has something or several things about themselves that they hate. Thereby leading them to hate you strictly based on the fact that you possess what they do not. If I meet a lady who is more attractive then I am, it intrigues me and I want to communicate with her more to see if she brings anything else to the table besides her looks. Me personally, I think that the fact that my boobs are a little smaller than I'd like has no direct correlation to whether I'm going to befriend a big breasted women. If she's a chillin' motherfucker, I'm going to want to be friends with her regardless of her huge tits.
After dealing with quite a few women this way and not knowing how to communicate with them I've come up with my own way. I'm just me. I'm confident about the positive and negatives I have as a person. They are what make me who I am. To quote Bob Seger "I was a little too tall, could've used a few pounds, tight pants, points hardly reknown". I'm alright with all of these things. I'm also smart, hilarious and a bit of an asshole. Every single thing I've mentioned are the reasons why my friends and family love me, because those things are who I am...
I hate to be a douchebag here, but I have one last thing to point out. If you're overweight, but completely comfortable with your weight, I give you kudos. If you're overweight and you're not happy about it. Thus leading you to complain about how unhappy your weight makes you, yet you fail to cut back on your diet or work out in anyway, I don't want to hear it. I hear these broads when I'm on the bus, they complain on the phone to their friends about their fat ass or muffin top. Little do their friends know they are shoving a double big mac in their faces during the phone call. Have a little fucking pride. Save me Jebus, the hardest thing in the world is for me to take you serious as a person when you're a walking disaster.
That's all I have for you right now. I'm not trying to say that I don't judge others. I judge motherfuckers left, right and center. What I am saying is it's not because I don't have confidence in me, it's because people in general are useless. When I meet someone new I consider all the aspects of them as a whole, and decide from there whether or not we are going to be bffs. By no means do I hate any individual that I've met so far in life.

Whatever. Take it as you want to.

I'm out!


So here's the thing...

A lot of weird things happen to me on a day to day basis. Plus one could say I am full of hate. Thereby leading me to believe that things that I write will entertain others as well as relieve any feelings of anger I may have.
So welcome to my blog...bitches.